

i used to think i had ADHD.

throughout my entire life, i was always distracted, disinterested, and generally had my head in the clouds in school.

i realize now, as a 25 year old, that i don't have ADHD or ADD or whatever you want to call it. the way i am is not a malady, it is who i am. i was disinterested in the mundane structure of school because it was never meant to keep me interested. it was meant to keep me in place. to bake into me things that would make me a great tool. which, school never really did a good job of, i was a problem student half of the time.

the lineage i descend from is full of callous people that never sat down and took anything from anyone. so why would i be any different?

why would i accept the terms laid out for me, if they were never going to benefit me or my future in any way?

i can't believe i fell for the things that i did when i was younger. i can't believe i almost accepted things blindly, knowing who i was as a person and where i come from. but that's the past, and i know now what i did not know then.

so, on to the point of time-blindness.

it does not exist. nobody is time blind. time is an abstract concept yes, but you do not get to be time blind for the things you do not like.

for those of you not in the know, it's the new trend of showing up to work late because you don't realize the time. because now everything is a disorder.

but, people should realize time-blindness is not a disorder or a disease, it is a personal flaw that needs to be worked on.

i recognize my personal flaws, and i try to better them. i recognize that i have a hard time getting to work, or cleaning and organizing but i force myself to, because everything is a skill and not everything is a trait.

and i hope the people practicing time-blindness realize, that they are being selfish.

if you practice time-blindness, you do it because you do not realize how hard it is to run a business and because you want to be late.

of course, there are valid reasons to be late, but not realizing the time is not one of them.

#thoughts #tiktok