
on dumphones and smartphones

hello there, i own a smartphone. sometimes, i want to hit it with a hammer and be done with it. but the darn thing costs $1000+ and it's under a contract. but, i use it too much. it follows me everywhere! both in spirit and physically. how does it follow me in spirit you may ask? because apparently, i need it for 2FA, maps, or even just random banking apps.

so, how do i combat this issue? i leave my smartphone at home. good thing i'm very stubborn and persistent, because i have found ways around all three of the issues i mentioned above.

for maps, i look up the destination before i leave home. for 2FA, i disable the stupid thing when i can or i switch it to my dumbphone's number. for banking, i decide what to buy before i leave the house, so that i don't spend in excess and there are no surprises.

is this the solution? so far, for me, yes.

is it making me happier? i think so, i know that once i get the issue of mms resolved on my new dumbphone, i'll be good to go, for now, it's not a big deal and the phone works great. being away from my smart phone has helped me live in the now, and actually get things done.

i'm a stay at home mother to two small children, i can't risk the virtual world eating at my time and distracting me from my kids.

sooner rather than later, my kids will grow up and i won't even know when or how that happened, especially if i have my nose in a phone screen most of the day.

i'm not one to live through my phone camera or social media, so the best thing i did was put away the nice expensive smart phone for home purposes only, and stick with a subpar flip phone running on android 8 for all my adventures outside of the home.

