
i dislike most people

let's get it straight from the get-go.

i have very little interest in interacting with other people. when i have to, i have a social battery that's fast to drain and slow to recharge. i don't really want to interact with people outside of my personal sphere on most days because i distrust most people.

it's this innate distrust and disagreeable-ness that has gotten me in trouble my whole life. but i like it this way, i have the people that matter around me.

now with recent politics, i dislike people even more. i know that's not very christian of me. i know i need to love thy neighbor. but it's really hard to love someone that hates you for your views. or because you don't fit in a mold they designed for you in their head. i'm going to be honest, i get really angry with the current state of the world.

i don't know how other christians who are closer to God do it. i know i have to work on my relationship with God and sort my flaws out. oh well.

i feel like i'm going to be a mean little old lady. but God tells us to not let the cruelness of the world make our hearts cold. maybe i'll learn how to do that with time and age.
