
adulting means no video games or hobbies

i have this thought that won't leave my mind because i think i believe it to some degree. i often think about how when you're an adult, that you shouldn't play video games or collect toys because its odd (even though i do both of those things myself).

i don't often play video games, but i do admit i have a steam account with a library full of games and a physical collection of games that my husband and i have collected over the years. it started when we were teenagers often scouring through thrift stores and flea markets and small video game stores with what little money we had on us. before then, i casually kept all the games i bought over the years and have amassed a large collection since then.

i think its really fun to play games, but i don't think its necessarily good for the soul to play all the time. i used to play too much. a ridiculous amount that led to no progress in my life for a certain period of time.

the thing is, video games are made to suck you into their world. you're not supposed to learn with them, or, think about life with them, they're an escape from your current life, not an addition, but an escape from the day to day of living.

that's why i still hold onto that belief, that video games are meant for kids, not adults, yet i still play, i still love my collection. but i know that i shouldn't love the material, i shouldn't amass my time on a virtual world if no progress is done in the real one. the one i'm living. so i admit, i feel guilty whenever i play, even for just an hour.

i love to draw, i love to write, i love to read, i love to type, and i love to sing and listen to music. but i don't love playing video games. i do it because i might like a game from time to time, but i'm not who i used to be, constantly looking for the next distraction a video game might give me for a split moment in my life, effectively making me disregard everything else about life that actually matters.

i'm sure people think very differently about this topic than i do. since most people play video games in their day to day life. there's nothing wrong with that. but when it absolutely consumes you and swallows your time, you're using the distraction wrong!
