
this blog is my 'me' place. if you read my home page and were interested in knowing more about me, keep reading below:

more about me:

i'm a stay at home mom, i want to blog about my recipes, cooking tips, and anything that comes to mind.

i'm a really good cook! i like to consider myself one, i can make both dinner and desserts delicious, i learned from the best- my parents.

i am an artist at heart, i love to draw when inspiration hits (though it hits rarely these days), i love poetry, both reading and writing it, and i love enjoying life and just living in the moment by admiring my surroundings or getting lost for a little(and then calling my husband to help me get home) or even just sitting on the couch thinking about life, relaxing.

i really like coding, but do i like working on arbitrary stuff? no. too bad learning to code means working on things i don't necessarily want to do, still, it's fun to learn! recently, i learned the basics of python. not so recently, i was studying to be a nurse and did a 180 on my major to computer scientist (lol).

i haven't had any actual social media that i use in years. from time to time i get distracted by facebook, but that is honestly why i don't have a smart phone on me constantly.

i'm hoping that by running this blog, i can have fun while i journal about my life and my thoughts, without showing anyone the intimate details about it (unlike social media).

if you'd like to contact me, you may do so at